
Centre de connaissance sur la myopie

Nous mettons régulièrement à jour notre centre de connaissances sur la myopie avec des articles et des informations utiles sur la prise en charge de la myopie chez les enfants et les jeunes de tous âges.

Que ce soit pour expliquer les options de traitement de la myopie ou pour offrir des conseils afin de ralentir la progression de la myopie, nous avons rassemblé les informations les plus importantes pour les parents d'enfants myopes. Parcourez les articles à votre guise, ou triez-les par catégorie d'âge, sujet ou thème afin d'accéder rapidement et facilement aux conseils les plus pertinents pour vous et votre enfant.

What is myopia control and why it’s important

What is myopia control and why it’s important

Myopia causes blurred vision, affects quality of life and risks eye health. Myopia control gives kids better vision now and healthier eyes in the long term.

Which is the best option for myopia control?

Which is the best option for myopia control?

Myopia control options include specific types of spectacles, soft contact lenses, ortho-k and atropine eye drops. The best option will depend on many factors.

Why the iPhone and iPad ‘Screen Distance’ setting should be enabled for children

Why the iPhone and iPad ‘Screen Distance’ setting should be enabled for children

We explain why enabling Apple's ‘Screen Distance’ setting may be beneficial for your child and how this setting could protect against myopia.

All about contact lenses

All about contact lenses

Contact lenses are an alternative to spectacles for correcting vision and becoming an increasingly used option for slowing myopia progression in kids and teens.

What is ortho-k?

What is ortho-k?

Ortho-k contact lenses gently flatten the cornea during sleep to create a temporary way of correcting vision that is reversed when wear is stopped.

Progressive myopia in young adults and how to manage it

Progressive myopia in young adults and how to manage it

Young adults with myopia is corrected by glasses or contact lenses. There is limited evidence to slow myopia in adulthood.

Progressive myopia in children and how to manage it

Progressive myopia in children and how to manage it

Progressive myopia in children is a global epidemic. It’s important to treat progressive myopia as early as possible, to protect eye health and preserve vision.

All about eye glasses for myopia control

All about eye glasses for myopia control

Eye glasses (spectacles) can be used to correct blurred vision from myopia, and special designs can also slow myopia progression in children and teenagers.

Participez à la discussion.

Nos réseaux sociaux offrent une communauté de soutien à ceux qui aident leurs enfants à gérer la myopie. Il s'agit d'un espace sûr et convivial où les parents peuvent accéder à des ressources utiles, poser des questions et partager leurs propres expériences avec d'autres.

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