Centre de connaissance sur la myopie
Nous mettons régulièrement à jour notre centre de connaissances sur la myopie avec des articles et des informations utiles sur la prise en charge de la myopie chez les enfants et les jeunes de tous âges.
Que ce soit pour expliquer les options de traitement de la myopie ou pour offrir des conseils afin de ralentir la progression de la myopie, nous avons rassemblé les informations les plus importantes pour les parents d'enfants myopes. Parcourez les articles à votre guise, ou triez-les par catégorie d'âge, sujet ou thème afin d'accéder rapidement et facilement aux conseils les plus pertinents pour vous et votre enfant.
Screen time for babies and toddlers: what is ok?
Screen time can be ok for young children if you sit with them, like reading a picture book, and for video calls with family. Solo screen time is not beneficial.
Eye glasses for babies and toddlers
Eye glasses (spectacles) should be worn full-time by babies and toddlers, who typically need the correction for healthy eye and vision development.
Progressive myopia in babies and toddlers and how to manage it
Myopia in babies and toddlers can be a concern for visual development and general health. Myopia should be corrected with glasses and monitored closely.
Why babies and toddlers might wear contact lenses
In special circumstances, babies and toddlers may need to wear contact lenses where eye glasses are not available or not suitable.
Health problems associated with myopia in babies and toddlers
Myopia often onsets in school-aged children. When it occurs earlier, there is higher risk of eye and general health conditions requiring extra clinical care.
Atropine eye drops for babies and toddlers
Atropine eye drops can be used in eye care for various reasons to test and treat specific conditions. There is evidence for atropine myopia control from age 4.
Signs that indicate eye problems in babies
This article will go through key indicators that may require you to see an eye care professional to ensure your babies eyes are developing normally.
How vision develops in babies and toddlers
Learn more about the visual milestones your baby will have as they age, and how they experience the world visually.